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How to make Miami an elite city?

 South Florida CEOs share their ideas | Miami Herald

Dr. Alejandro Badia is an orthopedic surgeon who leads a network of orthopedic urgent care centers called OrthoNOW based in Doral. The company has locations in Miami-Dade and Broward counties.This week’s question: A comprehensive new report names transportation, housing and income inequality as Miami’s biggest problems. What do you think is holding Miami back from joining the ranks of the world’s elite cities?

While Miami has made incredible strides, there is still a great deal of opportunity to return Miami to the status of an elite and cosmopolitan city. It would be wise for city leaders to put a brighter spotlight on our growing tech and start up community. All of us should work together to promote affordable housing and economic opportunities for young people. We would benefit from discouraging certain sectors from the rampant exploitation of residents simply because the situation allows them to.

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